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11권 1호_ 김상준_동아시아 경제지역주의와 미국의 변화

2007년 11권 1호. 동아시아 경제지역주의와 미국의 변화 _ 김상준

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This study aims to analyze the diverse patterns of U.S. strategy toward East Asian economic regionalism. Possibly the primary interest of the U.S. interest would be a non-isolation in the emerging East Asian community. But, the U.S. intervention in the region was not monotonous. This study elucidates the differentiated practices of the U.S interventions under the diverse circumstances. We raise four different types of the U.S. policies; two positive policies of ``constructively cooperating`` and ``spoiling,`` and two negative policies of ``check-and-balancing`` and ``wait-and-seeing.`` It examines some crucial cases of the U.S. interventions: EAEC/EAEG., ASEAN+3, EAS; AMF, and post-AMF financial institutions. The U.S. spoiled the attempts of EAEC/EAEG without the U.S. But, in the case of ASEAN+3, it employed the policy of wait-and-seeing because of its relatively sluggish progress. But when it comes to EAS, the U.S. tended to utilize check-and- balancing due to its fear of potential China-centered regionalism. The U.S. also spoiled the design of AMF because it was a proposal to build Japan-centered Asian financial system. It returned to the policy of wait-and-seeing in Manila Framework and Chiang Mai Initiative as those were corresponding with the IMF-based global financial structure.

첨부 [1]

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