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11권 2호_ 오형완_ 남북한 민간교역의 활성화 방안

2007년 11권 2호. 남북한 민간교역의 활성화 방안 _ 오형완

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The purpose of this academic research is to suggest ways to increase agricultural trade between North Korea and South Korea by examining the current state of private-sector driven agricultural trade between the two Koreas and the obstacles between them. Private-sector driven trade of agricultural products between the two Koreas has seen a significant decrease since the inauguration of President Lee`s (right-winged, conservative) administration. In addition to the current state of agricultural trade, the skyrocketing prices of crude oil has direct inflationary impacts on the price of grains on a global scale. This has resulted in traditional exporters of agricultural grains such as China and Brazil to impose control measures on their export of grains, which in turn, causes a shortfall in supply of grains in the two Koreas. Consequently, the lack of adequate supply of grains to North Korea, has made it difficult for it to aspire towards self-sufficiency in its agricultural sector. At this point in time, if South Korea were to import agricultural products from the North through transfer of raw materials, the resulting improvement of agricultural trade between the two Koreas, it will be mutually beneficial to both. Such an ideal situation will allow South Korea to have an alternative source of agricultural imports. When implemented efficiently, this can also be a catalytic move to help North Korea gain self-sufficiency in terms of food supplies, and in this process, enable it to earn valuable foreign currency. To complicate matters, there exist many trade restrictions, rules and standards applied to. In addition, inter-Korean trade is subjected to the political fluctuation of ties between the two government administrative services, making it difficult to secure approvals from the various government departments, and shipping regulations. Despite these hurdles, inter-Korean trade is improving slowly and the authorities are trying to cut red tape and mitigate trade blocks. Still, there remains much to be desired. I`d like to point out these impediments here and suggest measures to improve bi-lateral trade between the two Koreas. Sustaining and expanding private-sector trade will contribute to reducing misunderstanding and improving communication between the Koreas. It will also help to foster civic, cultural and institutional organizations, that can function to serve as economic and peace resolution bodies. With these in mind, it is hoped that the suggestions herein, will lead to a peaceful relationship between the two Koreas, in recognition that mutual cooperation is mutually beneficial.

첨부 [1]

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