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11권 2호_ 임명수_한반도 평화체제 구축에 관한 고찰

2007년 11권 2호. 한반도 평화체제 구축에 관한 고찰 _ 임명수

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Two decades have elapsed since the Cold War and the Korean peninsula still has to deal with its aftermath, the truce and the divided nation, which have been the ruling factors of its security policies and practices. North Korea`s nuclear programs, armament reinforcement, and the South-North military tension have all displayed to the actors, the critical influence of the security dilemma on the survivability and sustainment of the regime. After the end of the Cold War, North Korea has been promoting multiple forms of diplomatic policies in order to sustain its regime and survivability. The unique nature of the North Korea`s foreign policy is that it attempts to activate the interaction with the south while maintaining the present governmental state to exclude the absorption to the south, and pursue the conclusion of the Treaty of Peace and the normalization of diplomatic relationship with the US in order to maintain its current regime. Such attempts have been executed through the ``tactics of desperation`` including the ballistic missile development programs and a series of nuclear weapon tests, and in result, North Korea has approached establishing a peace regime at the Six-nations talk, providing that the present state is maintained. However, the North Korean nuclear issue and the discussion on the peace regime on the peninsula are both at falter as a result of the delay of the 1st phase of the “February the 13th Agreement”. Under such circumstance, North Korea is continuing to keep distance from the new south adminstration by increasing the level of tension by criticizing the South`s policies and causing military provocations. On the other hand, it continues the Tong-mi-bong-nam(“Negotiating with the US while keeping out South Korea”) policy in solving the nuclear problem based on the reformation of its relationship with the US. Nevertheless, the discussion on the peace regime on the peninsula is still anticipated to take steady steps in a series of phases, considering it has to be processed upon mutual agreements and long-term issues such as building military trust and normalizing diplomatic relationships with the US and Japan. Thus this specific study will aim to observe the changes in the South-North, and the North-US relationships since the departure of the new adminstration, rather than to come up with a political suggestion towards the establishment of the peace regime on the peninsula. Some of the fundamental concepts such as Peace, Peace Regime, and Korean Peninsula Peace Regime, and several prospective points of dispute in the process will be considered in helping understand the basic factors behind the establishment of the peace regime, and ultimately to catch a glimpse on the desired direction toward the termination of the unstable truce and the settling of a system that would maintain peace on the peninsula.

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