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13권 1호_ 배종렬_ 북한의 최근 식량 및 경제위기와 체제변화 가능성

2009년 13권 1호. 북한의 최근 식량 및 경제위기와 체제변화 가능성 _ 배종렬

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From 1994 to 1998, 2-3 million people died of starvation and hunger-related illnesses, and famine has generated a range of social, political, and economic effects. Also, the North Korean government requested international assistance for the first time in its history in the fall of 1995. Recently, North Korea experienced the second food crisis and economic decline. This article analyzes its characteristics, the central government`s response to it, and the reaction to the government`s inability to stem the steady collapse of the old system, as well as its effects on the openness and reform of the North Korean Economic system. Comparing the two food crisis and economic decline, there are several points of difference. They are: 1) the causes of the food shortage and economic decline; 2) the domestic and foreign economic situations at that time; 3) the feasible economic resources home and abroad; 4) the central government`s policy on the market economy. However, the most important difference was a negative effect of the ``Military-first Economic Construction Strategy`` on the openness and reform-oriented aspects of the North Korean economy.

첨부 [1]

최근 게시물

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