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13권 2호 _ 문정인 외_이명박 정부의 대북정책

2009년 13권 2호. 이명박 정부의 대북정책 _ 문정인 외

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Since the inauguration of the Lee Myung-bak (MB) government, inter-Korean relations have remained stalled. The Mt. Keumgang tourist project was shut down since July 2008, the Kaesung Industrial Complex is being jeopardized. And official contacts between two Koreas are virtually frozen. New hope formed through the resumption of reunion of separated families in October was again derailed by naval clash in West Sea in November. The stalemate can be attributed partly to North Korea`s inertia-driven behavior and partly to the MB government`s rigid stance on North Korea. The latter`s blind obsession with the "De-nuke, Open 3,000" policy and the attitude of ``Anything But Roh Moo-hyun (ABR)`` is likely to further strain inter-Korean relations, while heightening military tension. The most viable way to overcome the current dilemma is to engage with North Korea, to honor policy legacies of past governments such as the June 15 Joint Declaration and the October 4 North-South Summit Declaration, and to expedite the 3rd inter-Korean summit. In so doing, the MB government needs to adopt an inter-subjective approach to the understanding of North Korea because it can enhance inter-Korean trust-building, exchanges and cooperation, and eventually peaceful co-existence.

첨부 [1]

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