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4권 1호_오일환_통독과정에서의 군사통합에 관한 연구

최종 수정일: 2020년 8월 11일

초록 (영문)

This paper is designed to analyze the military integration in the process of German unification so as to come up with lessons and suggestions to the military integration in the future Korean unification. Unification in the real sense of the word is impossible without military integration even when unification has been achieved in form; unification without military integration may even bring about a re-division into two camps in military conflict. The non-existence of unified military command with the military divided will make proper governance hard. This is proven in the fact that Yemen, even having achieved political integration with a one-to-one distribution of political power, has experienced an internal war owing to the failure to integrate the military. In contrast, West Germany has studiously sought international cooperation and succeeded in persuading the four victor nations originally opposed to German unification to agree to it at last. On this basis, West Germany paved the path for unification in the form of de facto absorption through negotiations with East Germany. Germany secured the early settlement of the sole federal military system under the one-nation one-military principle with the East German military leading the way, thus achieving full governance in East Germany and preventing the aftermaths of military integration in the early stage. The basic method of German military integration above all lay in dismantling the East German military in agreement with East Germany and integrating it into the West German military. This meant an immediate dissolution and absorption of the East German military into the West German military without giving it any recognition. This was a natural result of unification by absorption. This paper will make a detailed analysis of the military integration process before and after German unification, giving full consideration to the characteristics of German unification.

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