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4권 1호_이동윤_국제환경의 변화와 한반도 통일: 동북아 주변4강의 역학관계를 중심으로

최종 수정일: 2020년 8월 11일


When the both extremity system, led by U.S. and Soviet, broke down and post cold war came, international society, getting out of millitary and securitary antagonistic relationship, entered into new competitions, which focused on economy, technology and infomation. It was thought that peace and security within the international society were naturally accomplished with post cold war, but the endless internal wars and external disputes are occuring and the mutual competitions to secure economic profits were deepening. Especially, when the consecutive economic crisis arises in East Asia, the World Powers are entering into severe competitions in having an important effect of themselves on East Asia. U.S., based on powerful economic strength, are spreading its economic profits and effects, and china and Japan are carring out the strategic foreign policy in order to show their leading role. In the past, as the division of the Korean peninsula was made by the ``Big Four``, regardless of the Korean, the unification of the Korean peninsula couldn`t be considered without the influence of the ``Big Four`` In order to move up the unification of Korea, weakening their effect on the unification of the Korean peninsula and showing the independant diplomatic ability, we must overcome the economic difficulties with which our country is confronted and draw up the independant unification plan through continuous communications and cooperations between North-South Korea.

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