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8권 1호_ REN Xiao_Cooperationfor a Security Regime in Northeast Asia

2004년 8권 1호. Cooperationfor a Security Regime in Northeast Asia _ REN Xiao


Since October 2002, the Korean Peninsula has once agam become one hot spot of international and regional security as the North Korea nuclear controversy reemerged and sometimes it is referred to as the second nuclear crisis. The first North Korea nuclear crisis of 1993-94ended up with an Agreed Framework between the United States and DPRK in October 1994. The solution proved to be tentative and fragile. Unfortunately, the Agreed Framework has essentially been destroyed and the delicate balance is over. In what way is the new nuclear crisis going to end? Is it possible for the concerned nations to trans­form the crisis into an opportunity, and further to invent a Nor­theast Asian security regime to prevent crisis and manage security affairs in the region? Wither the Six-Party Talks? Those questions have quickly come up and remain to be researched and answered.


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