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11권 1호_ 이승현_미,소 군정기 경제정책 비교

2007년 11권 1호. 미,소 군정기 경제정책 비교 _ 이승현

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This study focused on the economic policy under U.S-USSR Army Military Governments and their role in building the states, ROK and DPRK. U.S-USSR Army MG had different views on ownership in Korea. The economic policy of the U.S. Army MG was implemented on the basis of private ownership, while that of the USSR Army MG was on the basis of state ownership. These differences led to a complicated situation where the private ownership was authorized in the south while the state ownership went with a partial approval of private ownership of land in the north. These results provided a chance to develop a market economy in the south and a planned economy in the north. The U.S and the USSR Army MG had played a different role in this peninsula. The U.S. Army MG had endeavored to maintain and stabilize the situation at that time while the USSR military administration had designed a level of economic planning for the north Korea. The U.S Army MG put an emphasis on maintaining the economic situation at that time. On the contrary, the USSR Army MG put an emphasis on creating a new economic institution in the north Korea. These different policies were to build a nation to their on interest. The US and the USSR wanted to build their friendly economic system in this peninsula. As a result, both of them had accomplished their goal to build their own friendly economic system by dividing this Korean peninsula into north and south.

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135. 2007년11권1호_미,소군정기경제정책비교_이승현
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