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11권 2호_ 김선화 외_ 새터민 지원 사회복지서비스의 내용과 성과

2007년 11권 2호. 새터민 지원 사회복지서비스의 내용과 성과 _ 김선화 외

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Since 2000 the number of new Saeteomin has increased and it is over 10,000 in Feb. 2007. Saeteomins in South Korea are experiencing difficulties in resettling/adjusting to Korean society due to socio-cultural-political-economic differences. Furthermore, having experienced violations of human rights in North Korea and during the process of leaving North Korea and difficult life experiences in the third countries, Saeteomins have psychological, mental, physical disadvantages to cope with discriminations, prejudices, adjustment stresses in the South Korean society. There are two systems which support Saeteomin`s resettlement.; government and non-government organizations(NGO). Government`s support is mainly through regulations while NGOs provide human services that have to do with Saeteomin`s day-to-day needs. Saetoemins are placed in the society when they finish Hanawon education period according to their alloted government-rent apartments where local social welfare agencies are already functioning for the residents of those apartments. Upon recognizing the needs, Several social welfare agencies have been offering services to Saeteomons since 2000 and some of them have opened "Saeteomin resettlement center(Saeteomin-specific professionals are employed to provide specialized services". At present, there are over 30 social agencies offering services to Saeteomin in the whole country. This paper examines the contents and achievements of social services(resettlement support) of local social welfare agencies in order to clarify the need to operate "Saeteomin resettlement center", and consider future directions of this program. It also presents standardized model of "Saeteomin resettlement center" in order to offer equal level of service throughout the country, and to suggest to the government to set up "Saeteomin resettlement centers" in areas where high population of Saeteomins reside. This paper examines and evaluates social services(resettlement support) of local social welfare agencies in order to clarify the need to operate "Saeteomin resettlement center", and consider future directions of this program. It also suggest standardizing of "Saeteomin resettlement center" in order to offer equal level of service throughout the country, and to suggest to the government to set up ``Saeteomin resettlement centers" in areas where high population of Saeteomins reside.

첨부 [1]

139. 2007년11권2호_새터민지원사회복지서비스의내용과성과_김선화외
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초록 본 연구는 역대 대통령의 통일 관련 연설문을 분석하여 ‘통일’에 관한 의제가 대통령별로 어떤 맥락과 목적에서 사용되어왔는지를 경험적인 방법으로 비교하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 분석을 위해 본 연구에서는 구조적 토픽 모형을 사용하여 대통령별로, 남북 주요 합의 시점별로 토픽을 추출하고 토픽의 등장 확률을 분석하였으며, Word2Vec을 사용하여 맥락에 대

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