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3권 2호_김우상_햇볕정책의 성공적 이행을 위한 국내적,국제체제적 요소


To implement the Kim Dae-jung government`s "sunshine policy" successfully the followings should be satisfied: first of all, the sunshine policy should be grounded at least on two things-deterrence based on strong military preparedness and consensus-based policy toward North Korea. Second, in dealing with North Korea`s nuclear weapons and missile program, South Korea should adopt the principle of reciprocity. Although Kim Dae-jung government suggests that the sunshine policy is based on the principle of reciprocity, it is not clear whether the government actually carries out its North Korea policy based on the principle of reciprocity. The Korean government should send a clear message about its intention of reciprocal behavior in dealing with North Korea so that North Korea cannot misperceive its intention. Third, in dealing with North Korea, making an effort to build a consensus among South Korea, the United States and Japan and to coordinate the implementation of the consensus-based policies toward North Korea`s nuclear program is as important as showing the determination to take the ``middle`` position based on the principle of reciprocity. The allies should make North Korea to believe that she would be punished if she refuses to cooperate. North Korea`s perception about South Korea and her allies`` intentions is the main key in the negotiation processes. Finally, South Korea and her allies should understand that their negotiation game with North Korea is not one-shot game. In other words, they should keep in mind that another missile test or the cancellation of the test is not the end of the game. The second missile test does not mean North Korea firmly decides not to negotiate with the United States any more. The cancellation of the missile test does not mean that North Korea decides to give up her missile program for good, either. Therefore, South Korea, the United States and Japan will be better off playing step-by-step, issue-based small consecutive games with North Korea than playing one-shot comprehensive game.

3권 2호_김우상_햇볕정책의 성공적 이행을 위한 국내적,국제체제적 요소
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