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4권 1호_신의진_북한의 기아상태가 소아 정신건강에 미치는 영향

최종 수정일: 2020년 8월 11일


Starvation of North Korea has been a world wide news for several years. Starvation may have a lot of serious negative impacts on both physical and mental health of North Korean people. In children, the problems might be even more serious, considering starvation`s impacts on developing brain and future of the society. This study aims to review topics regarding current children`s nutritional status in North Korea, the impacts of malnutrition on the brain development of pre/post natal periods of young children, and relationship between chronic malnutrition and social, emotional, cognitive development of children. We also try to discuss the reason why urgent food supply from other countries is necessary and how we can help them prevent negative complications effectively. We searched MEDLINE by using key words, such as malnutrition, starvation, physical health, brain development, behavioral problems, intelligence. From the collaborative studies of UNICEF, EU, and WFP, more than 60% of children under seven years in North Korea were suffering from severe malnutrition, and the situation was worse in children younger than 3 years. Several studies showed mother`s severe malnutrition during early pregnancy was related to mental problems of their children. And also children experiencing chronic under-nutrition reveal to have more problems in cognitive development as well as social and behavioral problems. However, these negative impacts were somewhat reversible if resupply of food-especially protein rich food-was possible. These results suggest the serious malnutrition of children in North Korea might cause many problems in people`s mental and physical health in the future. This can bring a lot of social problems and decrease social productivity after reunification of Korean peninsula. However, we can prevent these problems by simply supplying protein-rich food to young children and pregnant women in North Korea.

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