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4권 2호_김병로_남북 경제공동체 형성을 위한 사회적 환경

초록 (영문)

This paper attempts to explore possible measures for secure domestic social support and public opinion to help establish economic community between North and South Korea. To this end, the paper suggests that it is important to realize how vulnerable the divided economy is, and that it is inevitable for the two Koreas cooperate each other. We have to emphasize that, first of all, the South Korean economy in divided situation is doomed to be affected by any of North Korean threats; Secondly, the inter-Korean economic cooperation is a long-term national strategy preparing post-unification era; Thirdly, it is mutually beneficial and complementary exchange in econmic field; And lastly, huge military spending could be diverted to industrial development. We also should remember how much Korea, especially South Korea, has been impoverished by this current divided system. South Korea has been geographically closed up completely like an island, so that closedness and exclusiveness dominate Korean mentality. More than that, the divided system created insecurity and distrust among national people. We need to stress that we should dismantle the divided system in order to improve the quality of life in social and cultural areas. When we focus on the process of unification, we need to construct inter-Korean economic cooperation in order to reduce the possible inequalities caused in the process of economic community. From the long-term perspective, we also need to ensure democratic law and procedures to resolve political and ideological conflicts between the two Koreas. Above all, we should try to resolve antagonistic sentiment and open hostilities which are the most serious impediment in building North-South economic community. By doing these efforts, all in all, it is aimed to expand the national community which is based on shared value of the people, while, at the same time, it is conducive to enhancing understanding of heterogeneity between North and South Korea.

4권 2호_김병로_남북 경제공동체 형성을 위한 사회적 환경
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