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[연구진 동정] 문정인 특임연구원 라운드테이블 - North Korea's nuclear weapons: What now?

최종 수정일: 2020년 7월 30일

This week we begin the third and final round of the Development and Disarmament Roundtable on North Korea as tensions and rhetoric continue to escalate on the Korean Peninsula. Since the beginning of June, three distinguished experts have weighed in on the challenges that dog the international community regarding a nuclear North Korea. Each author is committed to engagement and pragmatism, and each is noted for expertise in the region: Shen Dingli is the VP of the Shanghai Association of International Studies and the Chinese Association for South Asian Studies, as well as the associate dean of Fudan University's Institute of International Studies; Chung-in Moon is the editor-in-chief at Global Asia and teaches at Yonsei University; and Andrei Lankov, who teaches at Kookmin University, has published the books The Real North Korea: Life and Politics in the Failed Stalinist Utopia and From Stalin to Kim Il Sung: The Formation of North Korea, 1945–1960. Read on for more insights into a nuclear proliferation issue that will surely loom large in the US presidential election this fall.

Round 1: Acknowledging reality: A pragmatic approach to Pyongyang, by Shen Dingli

North Korea: A negotiated settlement remains the best hope, by Chung-in Moon

North Korea: Don't dream the impossible, by Andrei Lankov

Round 2: Pragmatism, principle, and the North Korean dilemma, by Shen Dingli The grave nuclear risk of North Korean instability, by Andrei Lankov Basis for a breakthrough in Pyongyang statement?, by Chung-in Moon

Related Reading: Declaring a no-first-use nuclear policy would be exceedingly risky, by Gordon G. Chang Confronting plutonium nationalism in Northeast Asia, by Fumihiko Yoshida The real threat from North Korea is the nuclear arsenal built over the last decade, by Siegfried Hecker A nuclear South Korea would be a mistake, by Jungmin Kang North Koreans try to trump China—and the United States, by Bruce Cumings The North Korea that can say no, by Bruce Cumings Getting North Korea wrong, by Bruce Cumings Subscription journal Hecker assesses North Korean hydrogen bomb claims, by Steve Fyffe

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